The Open Book Editor

Author Life

write your book's elevator pitch, open book editor

Write a Gripping Elevator Pitch for Your Book in 5 Simple Steps

Being able to succinctly summarise and pitch your book in a short amount of time is an incredibly useful skill. You never know when you’ll meet someone in the industry or an interested reader, so it’s good to know how to explain your book in a way that is concise, fast, and exciting. Not sure

Write a Gripping Elevator Pitch for Your Book in 5 Simple Steps Read More »

how to finish your story, open book editor

Can’t Finish Your Story? How To Write the Perfect Ending for Your Novel

Most of us writers have an incomplete manuscript, short story, or play (or two) sitting somewhere, gathering dust. No one knows more how frustrating it can feel to be so close to completing a project but not being able to for some reason. It might feel like all those hours, days, and weeks of work

Can’t Finish Your Story? How To Write the Perfect Ending for Your Novel Read More »